
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

Comic Relief Dress Down and Crazy Hair Day - Friday 18th March

On Friday 18th March we will have a " Crazy Hair and Dress Down Day so children can come to school in comfortable casual wear e.g. jeans/joggers and a t-shirt/top of their choice or other comic relief merchandise as desired. 



The School Council have decided as well as dress down day on the 18th March we would also love to take part in ‘Crazy Hair Day!’ where the children can have their hair as wacky as they can for a donation of £1.


The teachers will then decide on the child with the craziest hair throughout the day to be awarded with a certificate in assembly!  The School Council are busy designing the    certificates and are looking forward to presenting the awards.


We look forward to seeing all of your crazy hairstyles!


Good luck,
Miss Winsor and the School Council Team 


We will collecting cash donations on the day or you can donate at any time through our Just Giving Page on the following link:



