
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

Park and Stride

Park and Stride


Fairfield Infant and Bosmere Junior school continue to work in cooperation with Hampshire County Council’s Travel Planning Team, Hampshire County Council’s Civil Enforcement Team and Havant Borough Council to reduce congestion at the school gates and immediate surrounding area.

A Park and Stride scheme was launched in September 2020. This provides parents/carers with a number of Havant Town centre carparks for FREE during the agreed times.

We appreciate that not all children/adults are able to walk/wheel/scoot or cycle the whole way to school due to reasons such as distance, parental/carer work commitments etc.

A Park and Stride scheme allows more parents/carers to be enabled to walk/wheel their children part way to school.

It is a simple initiative where parents/carers are encouraged to park their car a short distance from school at one of the named sites and walk/wheel/scoot the rest of the way with their child/children.   

Since the launch of the Park and Stride initiative both schools have seen less cars coming all the way to school and to the immediate surrounding roads.

This has a direct impact in that it reduces school gate congestion and increases the safety of pupils and families.   


A request has been made to slightly tweak the timings of the Park and Stride availability. Please see the updated times below. This is valid from 21st September 2023 onwards.


The below town centre car parks are available FREE to Fairfield and Bosmere parents/carers between the times specified above.


This is TERM TIME ONLY and does not apply during school holidays and school closure days.   

Updated times as of 2nd October 2023:


Town End House Car Park,

AM – 8.20am to 9.05am,

PM – 2.30pm to 4pm,

(HBC spaces only NOT LiveLink Private car park spaces). NB-this is a small car park and the spaces are therefore limited.


Prince Georges Street Car Park,

AM – 8.20am to 9.05am,

PM –2.50pm to 4pm,


East Pallant Car Park,

AM – 8.20am to 9.05am,

PM –2.50pm to 4pm,


You do not need to display anything.


Park and Stride from Tesco, Solent Road will also continue to be available to parents/carers.


Please note the Meridian Centre Car Park is NOT included in the Park and Stride scheme.


We ask as many of you to support and use this scheme to keep our children safe and healthy.


As with any Park and Stride scheme there are certain conditions that parents/carers using the named car parks MUST adhere to – please see conditions below.


A map of the sites has also been produced so you can see where all the car parks in the scheme are located and walking distances/times.


There are many physical and mental health benefits to walking to school


By getting children out of cars on the school run there is also a benefit to our air quality


If you have any queries regarding the Park and Stride scheme, please speak to the school or contact the Travel Planning Team-


Thank you for your anticipated support


Important Conditions of Use of Car Parks in the Park and Stride Scheme:


The car parks included in the conditions are:

Prince Georges Street Car Park,

East Pallant Car Park,

Town End House Car Park (HBC spaces only NOT LiveLink Private car park spaces).


The conditions of the car park must be adhered to.


No parking in disabled bays without displaying a valid disabled badge.


Vehicles must be parked wholly within a marked bay.


If parking up prior to and after the authorised Park and Stride times, you must purchase a pay and display ticket.


Do not park in any designated bays/areas e.g., permit holders only, e.g., car wash area (Bulbeck Road).


Any abuse of the Park and Stride conditions could result in a penalty charge notice being issued or the scheme being revoked.


A map of the sites has also been produced so you can see where all the car parks in the scheme are located and walking distances/times. (This is attached below)


If you have any queries regarding the Park and Stride scheme, please speak to the school or contact the Travel Planning Team-


Thank you for your anticipated support.


