
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

First Aid Provision

First Aid provision at Fairfield Infant School is arranged and managed in accordance with the Children's Services Safety Guidance Procedure.


We carry out an annual First Aid Needs Assessment to determine the First Aid provision requirements for the school.


We ensure there are sufficient numbers of trained staff on duty, that there are suitable and sufficient facilities and equipment available to administer First Aid.


All minor injuries are recorded and treated as appropriate, parents will only be contacted if an injury:


  • is considered to be a serious injury
  • it is a significant head injury
  • it is an injury that requires hospital treatment.


We will telephone all numbers available and leave a message should the parents not be contactable.  In the event that we cannot contact parents we will continue to try and make contact every hour.


We will ensure that a qualified First Aider remains with the child at all times and in the event of hospital treatment being required a qualified First Aider and another member of staff will accompany them to hospital and remain with them until the parent/s arrive.
