All parents are automatically members of the PTA whilst their child is a pupil at Fairfield Infant School.
We hope to hold events and fundraising schemes during the year to support the school, details of which will be posted on this website and sent home with your child.
The PTA makes a significant contribution towards the life of the school; please come along and support the PTA – it is great fun!
Last year, the PTA helped to fund our brand new exciting activity trail which is a great addition for our children.
Interested in the PTA? We are always looking for helpers to join us on the committee. Only a few informal meetings during the year, a great way to get involved in your child's school, raise money and make new friends!
Many thanks
PTA Chairman
PTA Committee
Chairperson—Amey Rann
Treasurer—Krystle Duke
Secretary—Jo Osborne
PTA Easter Disco
The PTA fundraising team are pleased to invite your child to our Easter disco, which will be held on Wednesday 29th March 2023.
Year R disco- 3.20pm-4.20pm
Year 1 disco- 4.40pm-5.40pm
Year 2 disco- 6pm-7pm.
The cost of the disco will be £3 per child and there will be a snack and drink provided. We look forward to welcoming all children in their best disco outfits!
A separate information letter has been sent home with your child and if they would like to attend please return this with the correct money in a sealed envelope to the school office.
If you are able to support this event and can attend to hand out snacks for your child’s disco time please let us know via the return slip These events can only go ahead with the welcome support of volunteers and school staff. Thank you all in advance
Our annual Strawberry Fayre will be held on Friday 28th June. This is always a successful event, enjoyed by children, families and staff!
Please check back for further information.