Our school hours are 8.40am to 3.10pm. Children can be dropped at the appropriate entrance to their class from 8.30am each day and we encourage children to come into class on their own. We believe this encourages independence and gets the school day started on time. If you feel that your child needs different arrangements please arrange to meet the class teacher or Mrs Rachel Cook, our SENDCo.
We allow parents in Year R to come in for a few days/week if needed but encourage them to say goodbye at the classroom door.
Start of the Day Arrangements
If you arrive at school after 8.40am children must be taken to the school office to be signed in.
End of the Day Arrangements
Please click on the link below if you would like to know more about Before and After School Care at Fairfield.
Fairfield Infant School has a policy of NO SMOKING/VAPING anywhere on the school premises. we respectively request that you do not smoke or vape near the school entrances/exits.
Parents are NOT PERMITTED to use the staff car park or driveway for the dropping off or collecting of children at any time including to attend Before or After School Care. Anyone who would benefit from using a disabled parking space please contact the school office for further details.
Dogs are not permitted on the school premises (except Guide Dogs).
We ask that scooters and bikes are not ridden once children enter the school gates. Please dismount before entering the school gates. There is storage for these at the front of the school. Please do NOT bring bikes or scooters onto the school playground.