Fairfield's governing body is made up of representatives of staff, parents and members of the local community. This diversity helps to ensure that the school benefits from a wide range of skills, interests and experiences.
The governing body meets 12 times a year looking at different target areas at each meeting. These areas include staff recruitment, budget setting, maintenance and safety of the school premises and grounds, teaching, learning and attainment. Each governor also takes a special interest in a particular area of the curriculum and meets with the teacher who is responsible for that curriculum area.
Our main role as Governors is :
See below for a link to the 'Your School Governors' leaflet produced to tell you more about the role of Fairfield's Governors.
The governors are keen to hear your views and opinions of the school. Please feel free to approach any of them either in person when they are in school, via the school office or by email to : clerk@fairfield-infant.co.uk
School governors are part of the largest volunteer workforce in the Country who use their skills and time to contribute to the effective governance and success of a school. Here at Fairfield, we are looking for committed and enthusiastic volunteers to join our Governing Body team. You will work in partnership with the school’s leaders to maintain the school’s motto of ‘everyone is valued and learning is fun’ and strive to provide the strongest educational and lifelong opportunities for all the Fairfield children.
The governing body’s main tasks are:
• to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction;
• to hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
• to oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Parent governors are welcomed as valued members of the team and play a vital role in ensuring the governing body is aware of the views of parents and the local community. We feel sure that there are parents prepared to take on this important role and give their time and commitment to helping us to continue to improve the school's performance.
Fairfield governors meet on a monthly basis and also get to know the school through visits. To arrange an informal discussion or for more information, please contact Gill Tonkin, Chair of Governors by email at g.tonkin@fairfield-infant.co.uk or contact the school office in person or via email at adminoffice@fairfield-infant.co.uk for an application form.
You can also look at the information for prospective governors on the Hampshire Governor Services website. Please note that for the protection of children all governor appointments are subject to an identity check.
If there are more applications than vacancies, we will hold an election and you will be sent a voting paper in due course. You may return the ballot paper either via your child or by post. We do hope that you will consider this unique and exciting opportunity to make a real difference.
Gill Tonkin
Chair of Governors