
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun


Welcome to Badger Class

Badger Class 2023-24

Mrs Hawkes, Mrs McRoberts, Mrs Hooper and Miss Matthews


Badgers Trip to Staunton Farm - June 2024

Badger Class had a wonderful time at Staunton Farm. The children met giant rabbits, stroked Simba the ferret, fed goats, pigs, chickens, cows and sheep.

The highlight of the day was seeing a just born baby alpaca, it was born minutes before we approached the pen. The maze was a lot of fun too!

Thank you to the volunteers; it was a brilliant day.

Class Treat

Badgers enjoyed having lunch together in the classroom as a reward for getting all their merits. 

Meadow Time

Badgers had a super time in the meadow! They have been taking turns to climb and cheering each other on, making cakes in the mud kitchen and working on their observational drawing skills.

Badgers continued their observational drawing learning in the meadow this week!

Badgers had a wonderful time in the meadow! The children worked together and have loved spotting signs of Spring!

Badgers had a lovely meadow session in the sunshine on Wednesday. We listened to the birds and worked together to spot the signs of spring on our spring scavenger hunt.

Badgers Class had a lovely time on Friday in their African Drumming Workshop! 🪘🪘

A very big thank you to James for bringing in some Scottish artefacts following our Geography lesson about Scotland. We are currently learning about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Hampshire Book Awards 

Year 1 had an unusual assembly on Monday afternoon, Miss Merrell explained that Hampshire School Library Service have asked the children to take part in the Hampshire Book Awards.

The children will be the judges! The books are wrapped up so the children do not know anything about the books yet.

Each class has been given the same 4 books to open and read together. Once they have read all 4 they will vote for their favourite and the Fairfield votes will be sent to Hampshire. Year 1 cannot wait to open up the first book!

We hope the children tell you all about the new books we will be reading in class. 

Badger Class were delighted to be back in the meadow this week despite the chilly weather. The ice caused lots of excitement and encouraged the use of lovely vocabulary.

A very big well done to Badger Class for collecting all their merits. The children celebrated by having lunch in the classroom!

Badger Class have had terrific fun exploring different maps as part of their Geography learning. The children have been learning about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and have been finding the UK on different maps. There were a few red herrings to try and catch the children out!

Year 1 Art Project

Year 1 have been looking at the famous ‘Starry Night’ painting by Vincent Van Gogh in their Art learning. The children started by learning about the primary colours and then mixing their own secondary colours in preparation for painting their own ‘Starry Night’ paintings. The children explored different lines and how to create effects using line.

The children have created some beautiful artwork.

Festive fun!

Badgers had a lovely trip to the library. We found out all about the library and how we can borrow books. We enjoyed listening to a story before taking part in a scavenger hunt around the library. We then had time to explore the different books that we can choose in the library and shared books with our friends.

Badger Class have been exploring instruments in their Music Learning and have been listening carefully and then deciding if an instrument makes a long or short sound, duration. The children listened to ‘Icy music box’ by Nakira and decided which instruments would be best for creating our own icy music piece. Some of the children had a turn being the conductor, the conductor used a simple hand signal to stop and start groups playing their instruments. 20th November 2023

Children in Need - Friday 17th November Thank you all for your support in our Children in Need today. We have so far raised £228.41 towards Children in Need.

Badger Class have been Learning to perform a chant in time to a steady beat. Last week they took turns performing the call and response and today they have added instruments to their performance. - 13th November 2023

Odd socks to help us remember we are all different but we are all equal. 13th November 2023.

Your time to Shine: Friday 10th November


Thank you all for participating in our “Your time to Shine Day” in school today. The children were so bright and visible! We had some excellent outfits and accessories and were overwhelmed with the amount of thought and effort put in them. 

Every child who took part today has received a reflective item to wear or attach to their coats or bags.  We had a very difficult decision deciding on a boy and a girl class winner as there were some truly outstanding entries. The winners were:


Owls: Ellis and Isla

Rabbits: Crawford and Isabelle

Squirrels: Toby and Asia

Badgers: Kai and Adwoa

Hedgehogs: Tyler and April

Otters: Stefan and Martha

Foxes: Jaxon and Sienna

Moles: Darcey and Isaac

Woodpeckers: Charlie-Jack and Penny


Your Time to Shine Class Winners

Our Year 1 Remembrance display is now displayed in the Meridian Centre on the ground floor near the polar bear! We hope you will pop along to see the display - 1st November 2023

Year 1 have been reading 'Shark in the Park' by Nick Sharratt. Today the children have visited the park to see what they could see, just like the character in the story. The children spotted lots of things so they are ready to start writing their postcards. 11th October 2023

Well done to Badger Class. Badger Class have celebrated earning all of their merits with an ice pop! 9th October 2023

Badgers have been having a wonderful time in the sunny meadow. They have been looking for signs of Autumn and working in teams to find insects. 4th October 2023

Badgers have been Autumn detectives in The Meadow! The children have been learning about Seasons in their Science and have been looking for signs of Autumn. We hope they can share their learning with you! - 27th September 2023

Elliot brought in a collage of StoneHenge that he made. Elliot enjoyed telling the class all about it. 12th July 2023

Fieldwork Fortnight! The Year 1 children have been working together to problem solve! They have been using their eyes very carefully to observe the Human and Physical Geographical features around our school and have been detectives to locate the original object in the magnified photograph. They have found a letter by each object and worked together to unscramble the word! 5th July 2023

Eva has taken part in a Photography Competition. She is a Young Photographer and has had her work displayed in an art gallery. Eva enjoyed sharing her photos with the class.

Badger Class have been map making in the Meadow as part of Fieldwork Fortnight! Before setting off we recapped what a good map looks like. We hope you can spot the key on our maps! - 27th June 2023

Badger Class have been working on their observational drawing skills. 20th June 2023

Three Little Pigs


Badger Class have been learning to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs. 20th June 2023

Elliot was super pleased to tell Badger Class about his recent family trip to Butser Ancient Farm. Elliot shared his experience with the class and really enjoyed telling the class about the ring he had chosen which was just like the rings the Romans would have worn and even had a emerald stone in it!

What a fabulous day Badger Class have had at Staunton. It was a very hot day but we managed to find shade where we could! We have learnt a little about Ferrets and even managed to stroke Simba the Ferret. We have found out about different wool and felt two different varieties. Did you know that goats have rectangular pupils, this helps them see predators coming, they can even see their own bottoms! We all found the middle of the maze, the first two groups were ever so quiet and surprised the last group when they arrived in the middle! Mrs Hawkes, Mrs Hooper and Mrs Cullen are very proud of the children for behaving so well. Thank you to the volunteers also. - 14th June 2023

Badger Class have had a super hot reward afternoon for collecting all their merits! The children brought in a teddy and had an ice lolly and biscuit to celebrate. Well done Badger Class - 12th June 2023

For World Book Day this year, each class renovated their book corner. The school council selected a winning class, which was Badgers! As a prize for their winning book corner, the PTA donated some money for children in Badger class to select new books for their book corner. Today, a selection of pupils from Badger class visited Havant town centre to pick the prizes... - 9th June 2023

The children have had a super sunny session in the meadow. There has been team work, cooking, climbing, building, decorating and eye spy games! 24th May 2023

Year 1 have been using snakes and ladders to help them work out missing number sentences! - 16th May 2023

Sherm the Germ - 15th May 2023

Year 1 have been learning about the importance of washing their hands regularly. The children have read the book, ‘Sherm the Germ’ and discussed as a class how important it is to reduce the germs on our hands by washing them often. The children completed an experiment, they had three pieces of bread and passed one of them around the circle with hands that had not been washed recently and then repeated the process with a fresh piece of bread and freshly washed hands. There was a third piece of bread as the control piece, which doesn’t have any mould on it yet!


As a class the children decided that even freshly washed hands can spread germs so it’s really important to wash our hands thoroughly a few times a day, and always after using the bathroom.


What do you think of our results?

Year 1 Doodle Maths Club, Tuesday 9th May.

Badger Class have been sending and receiving beanbags and balls today! - May 2023


Beep Beep Road Safety Day - Wednesday 26th April


We ran a "Beep Beep Road Safety Day" for all children at Fairfield to highlight the importance of road safety and talked to the children about staying safe on the roads and gave them basic messages about the dangers of traffic. In particular, we talked about the importance of children holding hands with a grown up when walking near roads to help keep them safe. We also talked about how to cross roads safely with a grown up. 


Children wrote postcards to their parents asking you to help keep them safe.


They are asked them to:


• always hold their hand when walking near roads


• always find a safe place to cross the road


• show them how to look out for traffic by using the Green Cross Code


• always walk on the pavement or footpath Please talk to your child about the messages on their postcard, and display their artwork proudly to show them you understand the importance of keeping them safe near roads.


Here are some examples of their learning....

BEEP BEEP Road Safety Day - Wednesday 26th April

Year 1 have been using coins in their Maths learning this week. In Badger Class, the children were talking about The King appearing on the new 50 pence pieces. Isabella very kindly brought in her family collection of 50 pence pieces including one with the new King on! Badgers Class loved looking at all the different pictures, thank you Isabella. 

Badgers have been enjoying Yoga this morning. The children have been experimenting with different yoga positions including tree, chop and block position. Ask them to show you their yoga positions, can you guess the position? 


World Book Day - Book Corner Winners! Badger Class are super proud to have won the Book Corner Competition. The children started by deciding what sort of book corner they wanted and decided on a bed time theme. Next the children set to work making a list of the things they wanted in the Book Corner. They wanted blankets, cushions, torches, a cover and enough cuddly toys for everyone to have one to read to. The children chose rainbow material together by looking at options online, Freya then suggested we used the old cover to make some clouds, we hope you can spot them! Everyone has drawn a character or a picture from their favourite book and we have stuck them around the top of the unit. There are also fairy lights hanging with the front covers up above. Badger Class have been very responsible with the torches and are looking after the new Book Corner really well. Well done Badger Class 😊

World Book Day - Wednesday 8th March 2023 - Badger Class were reading Little Red Riding Hood on Book Day. The children made baskets so they were like Little Red Riding Hood. The children also retold the story using puppets and sequenced pictures from the story.

Badgers have been learning about half! The children had to roll the dice first, look at the next shape on that line and decide if half was coloured in or not. We hope the children can tell you what half means!

Year 1 have been practising sending objects to targets. Trying to get the bean bag through the hole at the back of the chair was particularly tricky!

March 2023 - A group of Year 1 children thoroughly enjoyed a Golf Festival at Havant College. They learned how to correctly hold a golf club and how to strike a ball towards different targets. The children played seven different games and showed great team spirit!

Meadow Session 28.02.23 - Some fabulous collaboration and team work from Badger Class in the meadow. The children had to problem solve together, the Dragons were stuck and needed to get to the blue tarpaulin without touching the mud, they didn’t like to be carried and they couldn’t fly! The children had some brilliant ideas and worked together to get the dragons to the tarpaulin.

Badgers have been learning to log onto the laptops today.

A super well done to Badger Class for earning all of their merits! The children celebrated by bringing in a toy from home and having some celebration time in the afternoon with their toys.

The children have been delighted to be back in the meadow. The children have been making bird feeders to keep the birds well fed, litter picking to keep the environment safe for birds and bird spotting. Working as a team to build dens and digging were also popular activities. Can you spot the beautiful snowdrops?

Badgers - Meadow Learning February 2023

Fairfield Infant School 128th Birthday Victorian Day Celebrations

Badgers have been learning how to play the Ocarina. They performed to their parents this morning and were absolutely fantastic! We hope you enjoyed these photographs and videos...

Badgers have been learning about wheel mechanisms in their DT learning this week...

Badgers - Top Lunchtime Table June 2022

Badger Class Jubilee Celebrations May 2022

Year 1 Mayflower Theatre Trip - May 2022

Badger Class have been learning about germs. They have completed an experiment using bread; touching it using clean hands, dirty hands and rubbing it around the classroom. The children have discovered that the dirty hands bread has started to grow mould first....

Ocarina in Badger Class

Safer Internet Day 8th February 2022

Chinese New Year Celebrations - Year of the Tiger 1st February 2022

Fairfield Infant School 127th Birthday - Victorian Day

Sports Day June 2021
