
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

Year R Class Photographs - Portsmouth News

Year R Class Photos


Portsmouth News will be visiting the school on Thursday 14th October to take photos of our new Year R classes. These will appear in a special supplement featuring full colour pictures of Year R classes from schools across the area.


If you do not want your child to be included in these photos please email: or speak directly to class before Wednesday 13th October.


Portsmouth News invites families to buy copies of the  paper at a reduced rate  of 76 pence per copy when pre-ordered directly from their website or team. You can purchase copies by calling 0330 403 3004 or via: 


Advance Orders need to be placed with Portsmouth News by 18th October 2021, after which time you can purchase the news at any newsagents at the regular price. The News Year R souvenir edition is due for publication on Thursday 21st October 2021.

