
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

Travel Wise Week - 16th - 22nd September 2023

TravelWise Week is a world-wide, week-long Travel Challenge where Modeshift asks everyone to Travel Wisely!


This is taking place between 16-22 September this year. We aim to promote active travel, public transport, and other cleaner and healthier transport choices which culminates in World Car Free Day  on Friday 22nd September when everyone is encouraged to find an alternative mode of travel for just one day.


TravelWise Week is the perfect opportunity to swap your car for a more active form of travel such as: walking, scooting or cycling. If you need to drive, can you consider public transport?


We will trying to raise awareness around the impacts of travel choices on an individual’s health and wellbeing, and on the environment throughout this week and would love it if you could try and participate as much as possible. We will be taking a daily log of pupils mode of travel in this period.

We are planning to launch TravelWise Week during assembly and run different events each days, such as:

· A scavenger hunt on the way to school

· Talking and writing stories about children's journeys to school


Further details to follow in next week’s Newsletter....


All schools taking part have the opportunity to berecognised through Modeshift’s new and    exciting TravelWise Week Awards!

