The Scholastic Book Fair will be in school on Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th and Monday 28th November and will be open after school in the hall for you to come and purchase the books on offer. All books purchased contribute towards free books for our school so it is a great place to start looking for early Christmas presents! .
To celebrate the Book Fair, Scholastic has provided us with some vouchers to give out as prizes. We are running a reading photo competition.
To enter, children can bring to school a photo of themselves reading in an unusual place. For example they could be reading in the garden on a trampoline, sat in the washing basket or whilst out and about. The more unusual the better!
There will be an overall winner, who will win £10 worth of book vouchers. There will also be 3 runners up, 1 from each year group, who will win a £5 voucher each.
If your child wishes to enter, they should bring a copy of their photo into school by Wednesday 23rd November. You can also send a copy of their photo to the admin inbox at
Winners will be announced on Thursday 24th November. Good Luck!