
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

BEEP BEEP Road Safety Day—Wednesday 26th April

We held a BEEP BEEP Road Safety Day on Wednesday 26th April, starting with a whole school assembly and then   lessons in class. We focused on 3 main areas


· Holding hands with a grown up when walking near roads

· Crossing roads at safe places with a grown up

· Using a child seat when travelling by car.


Children came home with a postcard pledge about holding hands when walking near roads. We hope they have shared what they learnt throughout the day and you can reinforce the safety messages at home.  We also sent out details to parents of their day via Parentmail on the same date.


Road Safety does not stop here,  We NEED your help to keep your child safe and use the roads around the school safely and considerately.


Please try and chose an active form of travel and if this is not possible use on our Park and Stride car parks and not the residential roads around the school.  Thank you

