
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Pre-Loved Uniform Sale - Friday 26th May

    Tue 23 May 2023

    Don't forget we are running a Pre-loved School Uniform Sale on Friday 26th May - Everyone is WELCOME


    This will run from 2.45 – 3.15pm at the Front of the School


    We have some great quality pre-loved uniform items; including school trousers, skirts, pinafores, polo shirts, PE shorts, tops, plimsolls and shoes.


    All Donations will be gratefully received, please bring small change - All Funds raised will go towards support for our school.




    Lost Property is on display at the front of the school everyday this week, please check through for any mislaid items. Unclaimed items will be donated to the clothes bank at the end of this half term...

  • Fairfield Forest School - Supporting this year's theme of 'Anxiety' for Mental Health Support Week.

    Thu 18 May 2023

    Finding time every day to connect with nature can help you to feel better when you are feeling stressed, worried or sad. In our Forest School sessions we make sure every week that we notice the birds, bugs and any changes in the environment


    Blowing bubbles is a great way to practise breathing to calm down when you are feeling anxious. You can also imagine your worries floating away inside the bubbles.

    In Forest School this week we made our own bubble wands using sticks and wool.


    Practising mindfulness (being in the present moment right now) can also help to focus the mind and cope with feelings of anxiety. An example of this is to take part in a sensory activity such as playdough, water or natural objects. Our Forest School group enjoyed exploring the clay, using their senses of touch, smell and sight, to make clay faces on the trees, pinch pots and a selection of other creations! We also did some cooking in the mud kitchen!

  • Mental Health Awareness Week 15 - 21st May 2023

    Wed 17 May 2023

    Looking after your family's wellbeing is very important. Families all need some help from time to time due to life changes or events.


    As a parent or carer, you can take small steps to help your child's wellbeing as well as your own. You can do this by starting with the basics.


    Using the back to basics approach can empower you to take control of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Consider one area at a time. Think about your home environment and what small changes you can make together as a family. For more information, please follow this link:



    Here is more information and links to useful websites for more help for children, young people and families:


    Kooth is a free, safe, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service for 11-25-year-olds in Hampshire with no referral needed. Pupils can sign up this week and access community discussions, content, and moderated live forums all about anxiety and coping



    ChatHealth free messaging service for parents and carers and children and young people aged 5-19 to text a School Nurse in Hampshire



    SHOUT provides free, 24/7 mental health support by text. Text HANTS to 85258



    Self Harm Support Hub provides information and peer support for parents/carers supporting a child or young person who self-harms



    Find more local and national support on Mental Wellbeing Hampshire


  • PTA Strawberry Fayre - Saturday 17th June

    Mon 15 May 2023



    Plans are moving forward quickly for this year’s Strawberry Fayre on Saturday 17th June, and we are on the lookout for volunteers to help with various activities at the Fayre. We really do welcome any offers of help, however big or small, and would be delighted to hear from you.


    If you are able to help out at this important fundraiser for the school, please let us know how and when, by completing the Parentmail form sent out today, letting us know if you are free to help and let us know if there are any particular skills you have or stalls you’d like to volunteer on.


    We will then get back to you about how we’d like you to help. The more people we have to help, the more stands we’ll be able to have, and so the more money we will make......…


    We are really grateful to everyone who has already volunteered and registered their interest so far!

  • Mental Health Awareness Week - Monday 15th - Friday 19th May

    Wed 10 May 2023

    As you may or not be aware, next week is mental health awareness week. The children will be able to take part in activities at school relating to this event. 


    As a school, Mental health is something we take very seriously, and we try to support our pupils and parents with this as much as possible, whether this be in school, or via outside agencies.


    If you have any concerns or anything you'd like to talk about regarding your child, please feel free to contact me by emailing the admin office, or if you'd rather, I am available most mornings on the playground. 


    Mrs Chambers —Child and Family Support Worker


  • Year 2 Racket Skills Festival - 4th May 2023

    Fri 05 May 2023

    This week a group of 10 Year 2 children travelled by minibus to Denmead Tennis Club for a Racket Skills Festival on the tennis courts. They were split into two teams and rotated round ten activities.


    The children practised forehand and backhand, balancing a tennis ball on a racket, and hitting a ball over a net. Throughout the morning the group displayed great determination, behaviour for learning and enthusiasm for all the activities.

    At the end of the festival scores were added up for each activity and one of our teams came third in the tournament. It was a very proud moment for the whole group and they all said how much they had enjoyed the festival.


    Well done Fairfield!

  • Year R School Trips to Dell Quay in July

    Thu 04 May 2023

    Next half term, we will be taking the Year R children on an educational school visit to Dell Quay. This trip will support the children’s learning topic in the Summer term “Mini Beasts”.


    The trip will take place on:

    Friday 14th July for Squirrels;

    Monday 17th July for Rabbits

    Wednesday 19th July for Owls


    We will be leaving the school by Mini bus at 9:30am and returning at 2:30pm to arrive back at school at 3:00pm.


    As with all school trips and visits, there is a cost attached. We have tried to minimise this as much as possible and would advise that the cost for this trip works out at a contribution of £10 per child which includes guided adult sessions at Dell Quay and return Mini bus travel.


    To assist you are now able to pay for the trip by using the payment system on the Parent Mail App or alternatively you can send in cash to school in an envelope with your child’s name and class on the front, stating it is for the Dell Quay Trip.

    We will require payment and consent forms to be submitted to school by Friday 30th June.


    Though we understand that, especially at this time, many family’s finances are stretched, we will be unable to run this trip without sufficient contributions from parents.


    We will not be able to run this trip without support from parents on this trip, if you are able to help as a parent volunteer who can drive themselves and their child to the trip as a volunteer helper please indicate on the separate parentmail trip consent form (being sent later today). Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room on the mini buses for all adults.

    Please do come and speak to Miss Treagust or Mrs Chambers (our Child and Family Support Worker) if you require support with this.

    We would be grateful if you could complete the trip consent form as soon as possible, even if you are intending to pay nearer the date of the trip.

    For the visit please could your child wear their full School Uniform, as they are representing the School in a public place. Also ensure they have suitable footwear preferably wellies or shoes that can get wet for the visit, a waterproof coat if weather is wet or alternatively if the weather is sunny, please apply suncream and provide your child with a hat.


    If you require any further information about the trip, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher or member of the Year R team.


    Many thanks


    Year R Team

  • Thank You!

    Thu 04 May 2023

    We would like to say a big THANK YOU to anybody who purchased a book at our recent Scholastic book fair.


    Every book you buy earns us rewards as a school. With the rewards from our last few book fairs we have been able to get a lot of new books for our library and also some new atlases to support our Geography learning.


    A selection of the books are below!! 

  • Coronation Lunch - Friday 5th May - Wear Red, White and Blue

    Thu 04 May 2023

    We wanted to remind you all that to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III we will be holding a special Coronation “Street Party” lunch for children tomorrow - Friday 5th May and we will be decorating the tables and playground in red, white and blue.


    REMINDER: If your child has not pre-ordered the coronation lunch please ensure they bring in a packed lunch to school.


    We would love it if you child could wear red, white and blue to school to celebrate this event!


    We look forward to celebrating this momentous event with the children tomorrow...
