
Fairfield Infant School

Everyone is valued and learning is fun

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Strawberry Fayre 2022

    Tue 24 May 2022
  • Walk to School Week

    Mon 09 May 2022

    Walk to School Week  Monday 16th—Friday 20th May


    Next week is Walk to School Week and we hope as many of you as possible will join us in walking to school every day for one week to kick air pollution to the kerb, breathe in cleaner air and Power Up! 


    We have lost of fun and engaging classroom activities with video-inspired designs of Power Up! Resources. Each day will see a level unlocked and a new mission to complete, through which pupils will discover the incredible benefits of walking for individuals, communities and the planet.


    We will be encouraging our pupils to travel sustainably to school every day of the week, tracking their progress each day on the fun and interactive classroom wallchart and earning stickers as they go along, with an extra special  reward up for grabs at the end!


    Over the week, the #PowerUp challenge will take pupils through five levels: ‘Team Up’, ‘Defeat Danger’ ‘Boost Health’, ‘Save the Planet’ and ‘Lead the Way’. These daily missions will respectively teach them about the social, road safety, physical, mental, and environmental benefits of walking.


    You can find out more on this link:





  • Hedgehog Awareness Week

    Fri 06 May 2022

    We do hope that many of your children are continuing to share with you highlights from their timetabled sessions in our meadow. A particular current highlight are the additional activities which Mrs Delahay has prepared for us for Hedgehog Awareness Week including the viewing of footage from the wildlife camera which shows many wildlife visitors and inhabitants.  The children are really enjoying checking out the new footage each day!

  • Evolution of Dance - Jubilee Celebrations

    Tue 03 May 2022

    Dear parents and carers,


    As I am sure you are aware, this summer marks the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. As such, we are planning many exciting events and celebrations this half term and are looking forward to ensuring our children have lots of fun marking the occasion.   


    One such event is a whole school “evolution of dance” video that will help showcase famous routines and music from the 7 decades of Her Majesty’s reign. An example of this style of video can be found here: Though this example has been created by professional dancers, we are sure you will agree that our children will be able to do just as fantastic a job!!


    Each class group or year group have been assigned a decade and classroom staff are already busy putting together a short performance for each group. As part of their PE learning this half term, the children will practise and perform these pieces. Each group will then be recorded during the week beginning 16th May and then clips will be merged together to create 1 performance video that will be shared with parents and families via a secure parentmail link.


    Many of you have already given permission for this via your child’s home-school agreement. If you have opted in this agreement for your child’s image not to be captured on video, we will contact you later in the week via a parentmail form to give you the opportunity to give one-off permission for your child to participate in this video. If you still wish for them not to be filmed, you will also be able to indicate this via the form and though your child will be involved in supporting their group to practise and learn their routine, we will ensure they are not filmed for the final performance. 


    We would love if children could come in costume appropriate for their group’s decade (indicated below) and have sent a separate document via Parentmail with some ideas that may be helpful. We do not, however, want parents to spend lots of money on a costume that may only be worn once and so if you are unable to source a costume, we ask that you send your child into school with dark clothes to wear for the filming of the video. Costumes or dark clothing should be sent to school in a named carrier bag on Monday 16th May and will remain in school for that week so that we are able to film all groups. We will send a further reminder regarding this nearer the time.


    Groups and Decades:
    Year R: 90’s
    Hedgehogs: 00’s
    Badgers: 70’s
    Otters: 80’s
    Moles: 50’s
    Foxes: 60’s
    Woodpeckers: 2010’s-present day


    If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s class teacher. We hope your children enjoy learning their dance and look forward to sharing their performance and plans for our other Jubilee celebrations with you soon.


    Best wishes,

    Miss Merrell



